Ep721: Kat Merchant – Do It Today

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Quick take
BIO: Kat Merchant is a Rugby World Cup Champion turned Lifestyle, Nutrition & Fitness Coach. Her mission is to show you how your weight-loss journey and making positive lifestyle and nutrition changes can catalyze improvement in EVERY aspect of your life.
STORY: Kat had to retire early from her successful rugby career. A few years after that, she went through an awful breakup. At the same time, the world went into a lockdown because of COVID-19. She decided to spend all her energy trying to get back control of her life. So, she overtrained. The more she worked out, the more she felt empty inside, even though her outside was transforming.
LEARNING: You can’t help people if you’re not in a good place. Be careful and choose how you spend your energy. People don’t care about you nearly as much as you think they do.
“You cannot help people if you’re not in a good place yourself.”
Kat Merchant
Guest profile
Kat Merchant is a Rugby World Cup Champion turned Lifestyle, Nutrition & Fitness Coach. Her mission is to show you how your weight-loss journey and making positive lifestyle and nutrition lifestyle changes can be the catalyst for improvement in EVERY aspect of your life.
From boosting your career performance to enhancing your personal relationships and mental well-being, turning sweat into success is what she lives for.
Through her bespoke coaching program, Elite-14, she provides tailored strategies, support, and accountability to help you achieve your health and wellness goals and, ultimately, lead a happier and more balanced life.
Worst investment ever
Kat had her very successful rugby career cut short due to too many concussions. She was just 28 years old at the time. A few years after that, she went through an awful breakup. At the same time, the world went into a lockdown because of COVID-19.
Kat didn’t know who she was anymore because she didn’t have rugby. She’d completely lost her confidence. Kat spent all her energy trying to regain control of her life. She wanted to look feminine and feel confident. So Kat overtrained and did exercises she didn’t like. For instance, Kat loved lifting, but because she was trying to get rid of her muscles, she did loads and loads of cardio. Kat got obsessed and weighed herself every day. The more she worked out, the more she felt empty inside, even though her outside was transforming.
Lessons learned
- You can’t help people if you’re not in a good place.
- Be careful and choose how you spend your energy.
- Do things that are right for you.
- You don’t have to change yourself for anyone else. Change yourself for you if you want to.
Andrew’s takeaways
- Your whole life’s mission should be to become more you.
- People don’t care about you nearly as much as you think they do.
Actionable advice
If something’s an issue and you can change it, do it now before it becomes too late or before you go through rock bottom pain. Just change it.
Kat’s recommendations
Check Kat out on social media, where she shares valuable tips on how to lose fat, build muscle, stay motivated, and set yourself up for success. If you want to make that change and need support and accountability, drop Kat a message, and she’ll talk to you about her one-on-one program,
No.1 goal for the next 12 months
Kat’s number one goal for the next 12 months is to keep getting fitter, stronger, and confident. Business-wise, Kat wants to keep getting amazing clients and helping as many people as possible to smash it.
Parting words
“Do it today.”
Kat Merchant
Andrew Stotz 00:02
Hello fellow risk takers and welcome to my worst investment ever stories of loss to keep you winning. In our community. We know that the winning investing you must take risk but to win big, you've got to reduce it. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm on a mission to help 1 million people reduce risk in their lives to join me go to my worst investment ever.com Right now, fellow risk takers this is your worst podcast host Andrew Stotz, from a stocks Academy, and I'm here with featured guest, Kat Merchant. Kat, are you ready to join the mission? Absolutely. I'm excited to have you on and let me introduce you to the audience. Kat is a Rugby World Cup champion turn lifestyle, nutrition and fitness coach. Her mission is to show you how your weight loss journey and making positive lifestyle and nutrition lifestyle changes can be the catalyst for improvement in every aspect of your life, from boosting your career performance to enhancing your personal relationships and mental well being, turning sweat into success is what she lives for. Through her bespoke coaching program elite 14. She provides tailored strategies support and accountability to help you achieve your health and wellness goals and ultimately, lead a happier and more balanced life. Cat take a minute and tell us about the unique value you are bringing to this wonderful world.
Kat Merchant 01:28
Absolutely. So my experience playing for England rugby was one that was very unique, and was incredible. And I took a lot of learning points from that. And you know, being so dedicated, and then winning the world cup as part of the squad has really helped shaped what I do now. And when I had to retire from that, I found that I had all this competitiveness in me and you know, wanting to drive and succeed. And now what I do is I'm able to put that into other people's goals. They're helping them to succeed, whatever it is that they want to do. And I think what sets us apart is that sustainability side of things, because I think people think of weight loss as a quick fix, or if I just do this, I'll be sorted or just do that quickly. It'll be happy, I'll be happy. Whereas actually making changes so that you enjoy the whole process means that you're just going to do it forever. So I think that the way I speak about it is I love training. I also love a glass of wine, and I love a cake. So I want to be able to have all of that still be in shape, enjoy myself be happy and be healthy. And what I want to do is help other people discover that.
Andrew Stotz 02:44
That's exciting. And you know, I've always been, I never played sports when I was young. I played, you know, American version of football in soccer. And I did that for a few years. But you know, I was nothing remarkable. And then throughout most of my life, I never really did much exercise. And then I found yoga. And I started to do yoga. And but I did it for a while and I did it for a long time. I always go to the park and exercise and do a lot of stuff. But recently, I was like, I gotta get back to yoga. And so I set myself a little goal. And I kind of feel like I'm a little bit like what you just described the people that, like I got to do this. But here's what I did. And I basically said, Okay, I'm just going to keep it simple. I'm just going to get on my mat every morning. And so from the beginning of this year, I sat on my mat every morning. Now, as someone asked me what kind of yoga you did, I said, I do easy yoga, stretching, little bit of movement. I mean, I know I could go further, but it was really about developing the habit. Once I got the habit, then I was like I gotta do more. And then I thought to myself, I got a breakthrough. So what here's what I did, I'll show you my little thing. Basically, I said to myself at the beginning of the month, on first day, I'm going to do one sun salutation a on the second day two on the third day three, and today's the 23rd day and I knew I was interviewing you today, so I thought I can't stop now. Well, I did my 23 and it's great mental trick because I just think to myself, oh my god, I can't do 23 But then I just said wait a minute. I did 22 yesterday. Yeah. Now I know it's not optimal, because I kind of need some rest from my body and stuff. But on the other hand, it's about kind of committing to something but what am I doing right? What am I doing wrong? And what do you see in people? You know, when they're trying to achieve their goals, but they're not getting there, you know, and how do you how do you help them?
Kat Merchant 04:50
I think a lot of what you've done is great because you've started with not too much pressure on yourself and you said you know I'm gonna sit on my mat. I'll see you know, see where I go From there, and you're building on it, the mental tricks as you said, to be able to go, Well, I can do this because I did it yesterday. And it's only one more, I think where people go wrong, is they try everything at once. So they go, right, they go from not training at all to I'm going to train seven days a week for an hour, I'm also going to be on a massive calorie deficit. And we're not going to have any cake. And I'm not going to have any beers with my friend at the weekend. And then they wonder why three weeks in, they go, this is awful, and they don't enjoy it. And if you don't enjoy it, the thing is, you will only ever be able to do things for a short amount of time. And so a big part of it is finding a routine that fits in with you where you do hit your goals. And at first, you know, it might be a little bit uncomfortable, if you're really busy finding any time is difficult to commit to something. But when you just find 15 minutes, I've got 15 minutes, I'm going to spend the time prioritize myself there, then you find you actually get yourself into a place where you can't imagine a world without it. And you can't imagine life without the benefits that exercise brings you. Because one of the things where people don't have a lot of time, when you exercise, you've got way better clarity of thought you're more focused. So actually, you gain time elsewhere, because things just happen quicker. And I think that's a big part of it. So finding something you enjoy, means it's doesn't take as much discipline to maintain. And if you're not relying on discipline as much, then you're just going to keep doing it. So that would be my advice to people to start something small. So if at the minute that you're having, say three takeaways a week, which some people might do, go, actually I'm going to try and one change the type of takeaway I have or look at nutrition and see if there's a healthier one. And I'm going to cut down to one a week. So they still can have it, they can enjoy it, but it's realistic. So the other thing that I would do is look at what I want my life to be like in a year. So in a year's time, I want this in order to achieve that. I'm going to do the certain things to get there rather than I want to lose 10k Right now, because actually, if you just woke up tomorrow, 10k lighter, but hadn't changed any of your lifestyle in order to get there. You just got to put that 10k back on again. So that would be my advice.
Andrew Stotz 07:18
Yeah, I think that's a good one too. Because without some vision of where I want to be. It's just it's just it's a slog. And whether that's in competition of where you want to be, or whether that's in life, and I have a little mastermind group of a bunch of people. And we set goals, and we meet every week, every Friday. And originally, we talked about goals and tasks and things like that. But now we focus completely on habits. Yeah, and we look for what's the goal that I want? What's the big goal that I want? And I think for the listeners and the viewers out there, think about this, what is one thing that would be a game changer in your life? And figure out that goal and clarify it. You know, for me, number one, it was double sales this year compared to last year. Game changer, great. Number two is this one is kind of a good words, it's a good one, it's a challenging one, eliminate back pain. And that's part of the reason why I just had to keep going onto that mat. And I had to keep working on because I know that yoga rebalances my structure. And so but as long as I have that goal of eliminate back pain, it keeps me going on a day to day basis. So I like the idea of like having where am I going? What does my life look like? Like you said, so
Kat Merchant 08:48
yeah, and it's the secondary goals as well within it. So weight loss isn't enough of a goal most of the time for people weight loss because I want to be able to play with my grandchildren. That's your reason, weight loss because of you know, there are so many good reasons like my blood pressure is way too high. And I'm really quite stressed and my family are worried about me. Okay, well, that's it. It's not the weight loss. It's what the weight loss gives you. And the reason behind it. So when you have that it's far easier to go Yeah, okay. Well, of course, I'm going to do that and think of my grandkids, rather than all that one session. You know, it puts it into perspective.
Andrew Stotz 09:24
Yeah, I mean, I love you know what you're talking about? Because it provides hope. I mean, there's a lot of people out there that are struggling, you know, with a lot of different things. When my father passed away seven years ago, I brought my mother to live with me here in Thailand, and she was on 10 different medications and you know, had had some strokes. Luckily, they weren't super severe. And, and in the end, I had to learn a lot about nutrition and think about how I could get her off of these drugs through exercise and she had a wound on her foot, that doctor said is not going to heal and she's going to lose her foot and I said, I'm not going to let that happen and And then I got her on the treadmill, which started at 10 seconds each time she got on the treadmill each day. And then I got up to a minute, and then I got up now, she's been walking on the treadmill, about 15 minutes, she's at 515 minutes every morning. And it's part of what healed her healed that wound, the doctor said wouldn't heal, because of the blood flow that it got to her body. And she's off of all medications, except for, you know, one that I just couldn't get her off. But you know, the point is, anybody wherever you are in your life right now, or someone else that's close to you, you can change.
Kat Merchant 10:36
Yeah, that's an amazing story. And well done helping your mom.
Andrew Stotz 10:39
Yeah, I mean, I didn't know anything about all that stuff. But that's where all of these books and stuff and to read and think about a simple one for you know, a simple one was beat. You know, we have you know, beet roots here in Bangkok that I can buy really cheap. I make a smoothie originally before when she first came, and we're getting off the blood pressure matters. And I'd make a smoothie of the beat and a carrot and an apple boom, that brought down and I measured her blood pressure every, you know, at every meal. And that brings down her blood pressure, amazingly. And so you know, simple things like that. And of course, cutting out bad foods and all that stuff. Exciting. Well, you inspire me. Now let me ask you what, for the listeners out there that think, okay, I want to get more of this. Where's the best place for them to go? Yeah, so
Kat Merchant 11:29
if you depending on what platform you're on, but it's a cat, merchant, 14 on Instagram, on Twitter, or you can find me on LinkedIn, they just drop me a message or a comment or something. And then I'll get in touch.
Andrew Stotz 11:44
Great. We'll have links to all that in the show notes. And now it's time to share your worst investment ever. And since no one goes into their worst investment thinking it will be tell us a bit about the circumstances leading up to and then tell us your story.
Kat Merchant 11:58
Yeah, so I had to retire for I had very successful rugby career that was cut short, I had too many concussions. And so had to retire early. So pretty brutal. 28 years old thought I was on a path and then obviously that got derailed. A few years on from that went into had an awful breakup. Really terrible one. At the same time that locked down here. So COVID happen. So I'm living on my own. I've been through this breakup. I don't know who I am anymore, because the rugby isn't there. I've lost my confidence. And at that point, I the investment, the worst investment I made was actually where I spent my energy. Because it very much to try and get control. I was like, Okay, I'm going you and to want to feel I also at the time, I got quite a bit of trolling online. I just putting out fitness stuff, because personal training was what I did. And people would say I looked manly, or my muscles weren't feminine. And I got a lot of this. So this was all compounding into this cocktail of like emotions that were going on at the time. So I decided, okay, well, I want to look feminine, and I want to feel confident. So I got myself into a situation where I was overtraining, I was training with things I don't even like, like I love lifting. But because I didn't want to be on Sunday, I was trying to get rid of the muscles. So I was doing loads and loads of cardio. I wasn't eating well enough. In terms of the calories I was having. were far too low for what I was doing. And the real issue was as I was losing weight, and it was buying off me people who say, Well, you look great, you look great. And so then you keep doing it. And you think that your worth is around the scales. And I got obsessed, I was weighing myself every day, I had a six pack and my skinfolds was so low. And it was only when I was sat there and it was during like down. I'm sat and I was eating cottage cheese and cucumber. Because I only had that many calories left in my day. And I just sat there and was like, What is my life? What are you doing? Like you're tired, you've got no energy. I was also because I'd taken my business online. We're spending every word every second, like making sure everyone else was okay. And then I was like, Well, I'm not okay. And it was at that moment that I was like, right? Actually, things have to change. You have to look after yourself, and you have to stop worrying about what everybody else thinks. And so I decided to fuel myself properly, and to train with training I enjoy and training I enjoy is lifting. And so naturally I'm going to have that physique. And actually I responded to a troll online as well actually, in that was really horrible. I did a bicep video and he stitched it basically going, like pretending to throw up because he thought the thought of me was so gross. And so actually, I just kind of responded to a few of these comments, but in a constructive way, not that was mean in any way back. But just I wanted young girls to see strong role models, see strong women and go cool. Like, that's awesome. And it can completely be feminine. It doesn't having muscles isn't a masculine or feminine trait, it's just too strong, and you've got muscles. So putting my energy into fueling myself training well, and I suddenly just felt so much better. And actually, when I look back at photos, I do post a lot about that content now, like, I'll do the two photos comparatively. And people are like, you just look so much healthier and happier. Even though I was lighter before and really lean and you know, had that everyone's like your face, you just look like you've got that energy in yourself. And by just doing something as simple as looking after myself with food. And with the training that I enjoyed. I prioritize myself in so many other ways I got boundaries, I said, No, I did things that were right. For me, I'm still always going to be someone that helps other people. Absolutely. But you cannot help people, if you're not in a good place yourself. And because I was someone that was full of energy and, you know, led a lot of things and people rely on me for that. I found that there was none left for myself. So by getting some myself by filling that cup for me, everyone else is going to benefit anyway. So massively around bit, being careful and choosing how you spend your energy is a massive thing.
Andrew Stotz 16:45
And wonder, you know, I think back to when I was younger, and I felt a lot of insecurity. And I did I was a people pleaser. I wanted people to like me, I still do. I mean, we all want that. And I think about like, what was driving that? And you know, where was I coming from? And I remember this interaction I have with my best friend when we were young. And we somebody said something to him, you know, pretty strong. And his response was, if you have a problem with that, that's your problem. Yeah. And I remember thinking to myself, you can say that? Yeah, least, you know, I just never thought of standing up for myself in that way in that assertive of a way he wasn't mean, it's just like, and now I focus a lot of energy on blocking out the noise. You know, there's, there's a billboard near the park where I walk past every day when I go exercise at the park. And when I look at that billboard, I just think all they're trying to do is get in my brain. That's all that billboard is trying to do. And through getting in my brain, they want to get me to take action to actually go and buy the product that they got on the Billboard. And then you just realize, and I just had a lesson with my students in ethics. And I talked about nowadays, it's propaganda everywhere. And that propaganda is whatever a company or a government or a person or whatever it wants to put forth. And so nowadays is even more important to not let that, you know, come in, I don't know, how what do you think was the source of why you felt like you wanted to change to look different based upon, let's say, as you said, what other people said.
Kat Merchant 18:38
Yeah, well, I think it was, I think, when you're not feeling that confident, and like I'd walk into, like, I think and now I'm in a very different place. But before if I will. So I didn't used to wear certain things. Because if I wore a dress and went to something, people's comments be like, geez, look at your arms, I wouldn't want to arm wrestle you. And I'm like, I'm in a dress and an evening, why don't want to talk about armwrestling? Like, what are you talking about? So I just, and I found that first as negative, and I got all this attention. And I just didn't want it. And I was like, I just, you know, and then actually when I realized, being strong, and feeling confident is awesome. And now I will actively pick dresses that show off my arms the most. And I'll go out there and if someone says something like and if they say something negative again, to your point, actually, that's something on them. I get a lot of people who the most the comments are either from like the negative ones, or even someone that doesn't have a profile picture so they don't feel confident enough to put themselves out there but they're happy tearing other people down. Or people that perhaps I think actually are frustrated in themselves that they can't do it and the other one I get is so it's either manly, or oh must take drugs or this and you're like no, there's no I'm not manly, I don't take drugs. I do hard work. And I do it can insistently, for years. So I'm sorry if you don't aren't in a place where you can do that yourself. But there's no need to like put down what I've done. And I think once you get to that, and don't get me wrong, there were still comments that are really hurt like people say horrible, horrible things. But actually, when people when I posted, one about getting trolled, the amount of support that I got was so much more people just coming in. Okay, I just want to say, and I found out stories that I would have never found out and had, I not have put that out, I had people message me saying you've inspired my daughter, or I've got back into lifting because of you or I used to feel uncomfortable in my body. Now I feel great. And all these things from people I've never actually met on a social interaction online have been like, inspired by it and standing up for myself. So I think yeah, there's great confidence in that. But there is a thing in society of all women need to be small women needs to look like this. And actually, when you just stop worrying about it. And actually, it was when I wasn't going back into the dating world, which I'd been out of for a long time. So going into it, and I had one guy actually actively matched with me to tell me I looked manly, and he wouldn't go out with me because of my muscles. And I was like, why would you go out of your way? If it's not for you, if you're threatened by my muscles? No worries, if it's not your thing, okay, but you don't have to cover me to tell me this. And I will get this on LinkedIn, I will put up a post about giving away a free resource giving a you know something that's going to help people from it, if you want it great, I'll send it across to you. And some guy just wrote on there. Just something like Oh, for me. I don't find this attractive. And not many people would find it sexually attractive as like he's talking about sexual attraction. I'm not on a dating site. I'm on LinkedIn. And just be you're not Mike, I agree that that I'd be going for but I'm not gonna tell you that. Like, it's just yeah. So I think that that came into it as well, in that I will have to look small, because in order to look attractive, and this, you know, society, you've got to look a certain way. And then I met my boyfriend on my now boyfriend on a date. And straightaway, we were talking about rugby, we were talking about training. We were talking about things. Because again, I had somebody on match me because I said about rugby. So I started to change the version of the person I was. And then I just was like no and I met Mike and he Yeah, yeah, off the date was a gym date. Like we went. I was like you don't have to change yourself. Or anyone else. Change yourself the you like if you want to. There's nothing wrong with wanting to I think some people worry about your being veins and want to get in shape. It's not It's whatever feels good for you. I love feeling strong and love feeling confident. I love people go in. Now when a guy comes up to me and goes, I wish I had arms like yours. I go cool. That's a great compliment. Like, rather
Andrew Stotz 23:02
than I can help you do it. Yeah.
Kat Merchant 23:06
Exactly. Yeah. Like, if you want arms like me, I can show you how. Yeah. So I think it's that and the realization actually of when you are genuinely confident, and you might have to fake it to make it at first. But when you actually have confidence, that's attractive anyway, like when you just back yourself, it's you will. People are drawn to that you're drawn to people who are confident in themselves and positive and have a good energy, you're going to naturally want to hang around with that person. So yeah, I think it was that probably,
Andrew Stotz 23:38
it makes me think about something that I always say to young people now is like your whole life mission is to become more you. Yeah. Yeah, I won't even say a better you just become more of who you are.
Kat Merchant 23:57
Yeah, and comfortable if you're comfortable. And that's one of the things again, with like, what we do, like people come to us about weight loss. Of course, they're like, I want to lose this weight. And then and some of them even are quite obsessed with the scales by the end of the program. Like I had one lady who was obsessed with scales at first go, oh, I don't know how much I've lost. I can't remember what I weighed in the first place. But I've got great energy and my knee doesn't hurt anymore. And I feel strong walking into the gym, or I'm confident taking my meetings. And you're like, well, actually, they've come for weight loss. And they've left with something far greater. Because they found themselves and they're confident. And I think there are a lot of people out there men and women that maybe feel insecure about well, I don't know what I'd be doing or I'm not sure I'd be doing it right. That stops them from doing it. Whereas Actually, don't worry about it. Don't worry about looking silly. We all do it like I'm an experienced gym goer. Also get the machine wrong or I'll trip over my water bottle or things like that. The embarrassing things that happen aren't actually embarrassing. No one's looking at us only embarrassing yourself. Whereas if you're just like, oh well, and you get with it if you're confident, nothing really seems to matter.
Andrew Stotz 25:04
Yeah, it's as you learn over the years is that people don't care about you nearly as much as you think they do. Yeah, yeah, definitely. Even the trolls, I mean, the trolls are on to someone else, you know, they're just jerks, and they go to someone else. And they hope they can leave a little wound, and then go on to someone else. Yeah, it's like, yeah, it's a horrible and the troll thing, because I have one guy that trolls me, I have to admit that I have nowhere near the troll nature as you have, because I don't have that many people making comments on the things that I say and do. But there's one guy that just absolutely really just has to say something about everything. And I teach it in one of my courses, I teach a little LinkedIn component, and I just tell him that my philosophy has been is don't wrestle with a pig, because you both gonna get dirty, and the pigs gonna enjoy it. And so I just don't feed into the temptation to go in and defend myself. I let it stand what he says, Fine, I don't care. Yeah. And I, it's one way to do it, I think at times, you have to stand up, you know, as you did,
Kat Merchant 26:17
I think it's the balance of it. So if someone just says something really, really vital, just block, I just block it immediately. I don't even think about it. It's just no point engaging. So a lot of the time when I do sort of reshare, that comment, I don't put their name in it, I don't tag them in it out. But it's just more of a comment to raise awareness of like, these are the types of things that being said, and this is why girls stop sport, because they don't want that because of comments like this. And I want to sort of address that and go like, despite this, I'm still going to do my thing, I'm still going to raise this message, I'm still going to put my self out there. So the only one was that I'll ever comment to generally don't want to feed them or get them any attention or anything like that just might be like someone said they wouldn't want their daughter or granddaughter to look like me or something. And I think I was like, Well, I think I shared that. I was like, I feel sorry for your daughters. They're not able to be who they want to be like so you know, there are some things where you're like, actually, but yeah, other ones that you're just like, No, there's no, there's just no point, as you said, it's the end, some of them just want that attention. They just really want it. And so actually by ignoring them, or blocking them, or yeah, just get rid of because people say our name and shame them. And I'm like, Well, I don't want people to go and go at them. Like because I've got a bigger platform than that person has. It could be quite, you know, people say things sometimes don't even mean I don't think so yeah, it's more about raising the awareness of it without having to wrestle with veg.
Andrew Stotz 27:50
So let's, let's now, when I hear about your story, I think about kind of slipping down into insecurity. Yeah, after losing some things in your life that were important to you. Whether that was rugby or relationship or whatever. And then you slipped down into a place that eventually you hit a bottom, and then you were able to turn it around. But ideally, I don't we, you know, it would be great if we don't have to hit that bottom. Yeah. Now, one piece of advice that you could give is just hit your bottom, because that's the only way you're gonna, you know, come up, that's possible. But I want to, I want you to think about what you've learned through this story. And think about what you'd recommend to listeners so that they could avoid having to go to the bottom.
Kat Merchant 28:40
Yeah, absolutely. You see it, and I will speak to people, you know, on consultation calls and as fitness like, and what I like to ask about is, well, what happens if you don't change? Whereas if you don't take any action, what does that look like? And some people honestly on this call, they'll go, well die, I'll die in five years, like, I won't be around to see my granddaughter get married, I won't be around to you, all these different things. And so when you actually put the weight on it, it's like, Oh, I really do have to make this change now and not get to that point. But people unfortunately feel like they have to hit rock bottom to change. Whereas actually, if something's an issue now and you can change it and you can get in and do it now before it becomes either too late or before you have to go through that pain. Just change it and I guess listen to love ones around you. In terms of if they're showing concern, or if they're worried about you. That's a massive trigger. And it was more than that. And you know, somebody did say they were like, how are you okay, you just don't look like you're there. Like you're just T and that's what I felt on the inside. I felt empty. And when a friend said that to me, I was like, Oh, why am I empty? And I was like, oh, I need to get back to being me. Like, I don't want to lose that spark and I don't want that. So actually you Listen to what your loved ones that you care about saying not random people, but love people that you trust their opinion. And actually, if they are worried about you and your health, and maybe they think you're going to have a heart attack, well, that's enough to take action. Don't wait until you've had one. So then do it. So we are far more in control of our life journey than we think we are. And I think where people lose it is when they go, Oh, well, I don't have time or I don't have this or it's not. It doesn't work for me. Nothing. What No, no, like, I'm sorry, but you're not that special. Like, it seems work for people, you can find time you can do that you're just giving up. And it's a case of actually, how can you make sure that the fit this in for yourself, and before it's too late?
Andrew Stotz 30:46
Yeah, it's great point, well, I got addicted to drugs when I was young, at 17 or so. And at the time, they were really pushing the idea that you have to raise the bottom and help you the way to help someone is have them feel the consequences of their actions, as opposed to protecting them from that. And my mom and dad, you know, they did that. And you know, I ended up in jail. I was actually in jail when I was 14, and you know, a couple of weeks. And then I went into a foster home and my parents was like, he got it, he's got to feel the pain if he doesn't feel the pain. And the fact is, is that yes, I felt a lot of pain. But man, it was nothing compared to what it could have been. And now when I go, for instance, to 12 Step programs, and I, you know, talk to people, I mean, a 58 year old guy like me that only stopped using drugs and alcohol five or 10 years ago, and all of the destruction that went on for those years. Whereas my parents and the people around me raised the bottom, I got sober when I was 17. And now I've been sober for 41 years. And you know, raise the bottom. And if you're suffering, if anybody's listening to this, or you're watching this and you're suffering, stop, today's the day, today's day, stop, you know, no matter what, today is the day and it's it can be as simple as just sitting on the yoga mat, it can be as simple as just, I set a goal for myself a long time ago, all that I greed that I would do is walk out my door every morning by 5am. Just walk out the door. I wasn't even going to commit to any exercise. But I walked out the door. And you know, I never never once turned back around and walked in. I just went out and I went for a walk in the park. I went to the gym or whatever. So if you're in that situation, and you're listening, are you viewing now's the time today's day?
Kat Merchant 32:42
Yeah, it's that first step is that time is not our start Monday is not after holiday, it's not when the kids go back to school. It's not that because all that is is a representation of a pattern of continuing to pull it off. And if the actions you have previously taken have led you to where you are now and that's not in a happy place. It's not someone that's making good decisions. You've got to change the way you think you got to change the way you act. You have to go right now is the time like you said, so yeah, take action. take that first step today.
Andrew Stotz 33:12
So what's a resource of yours that you'd recommend for everybody?
Kat Merchant 33:16
Yeah, so we've got depending on goals, like we've got a few free trainings that we do, because we feel they add real value to people. And I love it when people like I send them to someone, and they're like, I've done that, or I've started this. So we've done that. So yeah, if you check out my check me out on social media, and I put out loads of ones, we've got a whole, like lose fat, build muscle, how to stay motivated, like set yourself up for success, all different ones. And then obviously also as well, we do our one to one program. So if you're someone that really, really wants to make that change and needs the support and accountability, then yet just again, drop me a message and we'll get chat in.
Andrew Stotz 33:56
Fantastic. And we'll have a link as I said earlier that I have a link in the show notes. Alright, last question, what is your number one goal for the next 12 months.
Kat Merchant 34:06
So personally, for myself is to keep getting fitter, keep getting stronger, keep being confident in going out there, business wise, is to keep getting amazing, amazing clients that smash it that love it. And I love that we've got people four years on from doing a program with us that are still smashing it and they still message me when they do something that they weren't confident enough to do before. Things like that. So yeah, business wise, helping as many people as we can to absolutely smash it.
Andrew Stotz 34:41
Fantastic. Well, listeners there you have it another story of loss to keep you winning. Remember, I'm on a mission to help 1 million people reduce risk in their lives. As we conclude cat I want to thank you again for joining our mission and on behalf of a Stotz Academy, I hereby award you alumni status for joining us worst investment ever into your best teaching moment. Do you have any parting words for the audience
Kat Merchant 35:04
and do it today?
Andrew Stotz 35:08
It is that that is the best advice and that's a wrap on another great story to help us create, grow and protect our wealth fellow risk takers. Let's celebrate that today. We added one more person to our mission to help 1 million people reduce risk in their lives. This is your words podcast. Oh Is Andrew Stotz saying I'll see you on the upside.
Connect with Kat Merchant
Andrew’s books
- How to Start Building Your Wealth Investing in the Stock Market
- My Worst Investment Ever
- 9 Valuation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
- Transform Your Business with Dr.Deming’s 14 Points
Andrew’s online programs
- Valuation Master Class
- The Become a Better Investor Community
- How to Start Building Your Wealth Investing in the Stock Market
- Finance Made Ridiculously Simple
- FVMR Investing: Quantamental Investing Across the World
- Become a Great Presenter and Increase Your Influence
- Transform Your Business with Dr. Deming’s 14 Points
- Achieve Your Goals