Ep692: Connor Steinbrook – Do Due Diligence Before Visiting a Real Estate Property

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Quick take
BIO: Connor Steinbrook is the Founder of the EXP realty Wolfpack Revenue Share Organization, with more than 2,700 agents operating in all 50 states and 12 countries. The group closed almost 10,000 houses and 3.5 billion in sales in 2022.
STORY: Connor came across a house in a high-priced area that was being sold for dirt cheap. It caught his attention, and he decided to buy it. It turns out the person who sold the house to Connor had killed the homeowner and stolen his identity.
LEARNING: Always be careful when going into properties to meet strangers. Before you go to view a property, ask the right questions and do due diligence.
“Just because you wouldn’t do something or you wouldn’t think that this could happen doesn’t mean that people think the way you do and that they’re not setting you up.”
Connor Steinbrook
Guest profile
Connor Steinbrook is the Founder of the EXP realty Wolfpack Revenue Share Organization, which has more than 2,700 agents operating in all 50 states and 12 different countries. The group closed almost 10,000 houses and 3.5 billion in sales in 2022.
Worst investment ever
When Connor started in real estate, he got a regular appointment to check a property out. The property was an old house that looked like a single-family house but was built in a duplex-type way. The property was in a high price point area, and the owner asked for a very low amount that didn’t make sense. The owner was not there, and after waiting for a while, Connor decided to go home. After about 15 minutes on the highway, the owner called him, and since the numbers looked so good, he decided to go back.
Connor found the door open, and when he went in, he couldn’t believe his eyes. It was quite a rundown house. While doing a tour of the place, he had this strong intuition that there was something off about it. But he shook off the feeling and went ahead and bought the property.
About six weeks later, Connor got a phone call from a detective of a famous murder detective show in Dallas. The detective informed Connor that a resident had found a dead body at one of his properties, and he needed him for questioning.
It turns out the guy Connor had bought the rundown house from was not the actual owner. The guy had murdered the homeowner, buried him in the backyard, and stolen his identity to sell the house.
Lessons learned
- Always be careful when going into properties to meet strangers.
Andrew’s takeaways
- Things happen when you’re least prepared and least expecting it.
Actionable advice
Before you go to view a property, ask the right questions and do due diligence. When you go for the viewing, take another person with you.
Connor’s recommendations
Connor recommends several books for self-education and development:
- Think and Grow Rich
- Outwitting the Devil: The Secrets to Freedom and Success
- As A Man Thinketh
- The Richest Man in Babylon
No.1 goal for the next 12 months
Connor’s number one goal for the next 12 months is to get his EXP organization to 10,000 agents. He also wants to develop properties in North Dallas as a long-term investment plan. Connor also wants to get his new YouTube channel to 10,000 subscribers this year.
Parting words
“Believe in yourself and never stop trying. In the end, it will all work out for you.”
Connor Steinbrook
Andrew Stotz 00:02
Hello fellow risk takers and welcome to my worst investment ever stories of loss to keep you winning in our community we know that to win in investing you must take risk but to win big, you've got to reduce it. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm on a mission to help 1 million people reduce risk in their lives to join me go to my worst investment ever.com and sign up for a free weekly become a better investor newsletter. Where I share how to reduce risk, create, grow and protect your wealth. Fellow risk takers this is your words podcast hosts Andrew Stotz, from a Stotz Academy, and I'm here with featured guests. Connor Steinbrueck. Connor, are you ready to join the mission?
Connor Steinbrook 00:41
Let's do it. I'm ready to join the mission was let's get on with steel. Yeah,
Andrew Stotz 00:45
I'm excited to have you on and I've got a little preview of your story. And ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna tell you listen up, pay attention because this is interesting. Let me introduce you to the audience. Connor is the founder of the EXP Realty, Wolfpack revenue share organization, which has more than 2700 agents operating in all 50 US states in 12 different countries, the group cost almost 10,000 houses and $3.5 billion in sales in 2022. Connor, take a minute and tell us about the unique value you are bringing to this wonderful world.
Connor Steinbrook 01:26
Yeah, so I had a weird background, I went off to college in 2003 and put 20 doors on poker site, my hobby became my profession. And for eight years, I became the top online poker player in the world. Government regulation kicked in in 2011, on April 15, and I lost my career overnight, it really broke my mindset, it took my identity way. And for years I played for me. And I fell down the path of you know, personal responsibility and self development. And I came across, you know, thinking rich, Rich Dad, Poor Dad and I went heavily into personal development. And I have a very substantial background in emotion management, behavior management, where I can help entrepreneurs get out of self esteem issues, anxiety issues, belief issues, and all sorts of different things that keep people from the key people procrastinating and self sabotaging. And so one of the things I've been able to do is I went through that kind of testifier that I passed through. So I've been there, and I know how to get out of it. And I've been able to help a lot of entrepreneurs kind of get out of that broken mindset. And I think that that's a big reason why people come with us and stay with us and grow with us is you build the mindset first, and the business builds itself around the mindset. But that's really what I focus a lot on was training agents and training entrepreneurs.
Andrew Stotz 02:33
That's interesting, because a lot of times when we have people on, you know, they'll talk about their business and all that, but you're talking about mindset, that's fascinating. And so having a lot of different people that you work with that are in your organization, like maybe you could give us some idea about like, what's the most common issue that you see. And maybe I suspect that some of ourselves myself, and my other listeners, you know, are out there thinking that could be my that could be my challenge. And then from that maybe one idea about how we could improve?
Connor Steinbrook 03:05
Yeah, I mean, you know, like, when you start anything new, let's say you're starting business excitements always the highest in the belief system is always the highest, because you haven't had any adversity yet. And then what happens is you get in there, out of emotion. And then any thing that you're going to drive is, as far as a vehicle to your future goals, it doesn't matter if it's insurance, real estate, whatever it is, it's gonna get tough. What happens is when it gets tough, the excitement that they had kind of starts, and people get into a mindset battle, where we have three expenses in business, we have expenses of time, money, and emotion. And they get to a point where they start thinking the the time money in emotion, I'm spinning, to get to where I'm going is not working out here, and the risk starts picking up in their mind, the longer they go on the journey without seeing results, and they start to get the price is too high to pay. What if I don't make it and that's when people kind of pull back. And if you can't push through what we call the valley of the death, which is kind of that window, the beginning 612 18, sometimes three years for business owners to kind of get through that window before they build their skill sets and their business starts making money. They're gonna quit, and then they're gonna quit what they're doing now go the next thing, they're gonna quit right before they quit the next thing about to quit, and they're always going to have that quitting pattern, because it's a mindset is a thought process issue. So what I do is I help them understand this, and I give them stories. A lot of times, helping people through their own problems is to tell stories of someone that's a similar avatar of them, and help them understand that we live in the past and present the future. And in the present, right now, the way that we show up in the future with the things that we want, because the only way we're going to have what we want is in the future, because we don't have a day is to study our past. And then we go and study the past, past wins past losses to help them see kind of where they're at, from the past, how they got to where they're at in the present. And I help them understand that they're in the middle of the movie, or it's halftime at the football game, and they're down 28 to three, but look what can happen at the end of the movie. So you want to help people understand time horizons and also understand that there it's normal for them to struggle and it's not something that is unique to them where they feel alone that is very common, and that these tests that are done going through these problems, these are opportunities to show that they're strong enough to have bigger problems tomorrow. And they need to conduct themselves in a way that these problems that they have now are not that big, because if they can't handle the current problems, the world or God, however, their belief system is will not give them bigger problems tomorrow. So I really helped them understand through past stories of my own other people that they can see themselves in, because stories are a very powerful motivator. When people see themselves in that story. It's kind of one of the ways that we one of the strategies we use to get people out of those mindset blocks,
Andrew Stotz 05:28
the time, money and emotion, and that we're going to face that valley of death and going to have to figure out how we get through. And you know, one of the challenging things is that there's occasionally a valley of death that you should get out of, but you got to also decide is this the valley of death that I need to make it through and get to the other side? And then I think what's fascinating, what you talked about is these stories, because, for instance, I have something I call the my course, which is called the evaluation masterclass boot camp. And it's super tough. And, you know, I tell them from the beginning, like 30% of people won't make it to the end. And you know, and I'm gonna put on a lot of pressure, and it's going to be tough, and you know, you're gonna have problems, but you can make it. But I'm not telling enough stories. So I just listening to what you've said. And I think for the listeners out there, make sure that you're incorporating stories I do use stories a lot with potential clients and things like that, to help them understand like, Okay, I've been through this with someone else, and this is similar to what you're in. But in this case, I think this is an area that I need to improve on that. So for the listeners out there, where can you help people go through a journey to get through that valley of death by applying a story, and or a series of stories, and I think that's super valuable for all of us.
Connor Steinbrook 06:44
Yeah, actually, I created actually a new YouTube channel. So I have a previous YouTube channel investor army, which is for my investments, and the residential side of the business. But I create a new entrepreneurship channel, which is just my personal brand, my name Connor Steinberg, and actually created that channel in a very unique way where I started knowing how he's gonna build it out from the first video in a sequential order process. So if you guys are broken, you're struggling, you know, the pandemic, and all that really upset life for a lot of people and change life for a lot of people. And a lot of people are setting over and I had that poker career, and I had to start over and go to through a different direction. So I knew exactly what I did, looking in hindsight, and the order I did it. And so that channel, if you start from video one, and watch him in order, I give you the exact step by step process to go from a broken person in every way broken mentally, physically, spiritually, every single part, part of his broken, what I did first, what I didn't actually sequential order and how I got myself out of that situation. And in that process of those videos, there's actually multiple videos, a number of them talked about stories and the importance of story. But there's actually a couple in there, if you go to my channel, that are specifically on a story, and it'll be in the title or the thumbnail, I can't think of exactly what they're called, but um, you should be tracking down, but um, well, well, from start to finish in order, they all kind of run together,
Andrew Stotz 08:00
we definitely gonna have links to that in the show notes. And I'm looking forward to checking it out myself. Well, now it's time to share your worst investment ever. And since no one goes into their worst investment thinking it will be tell us about the circumstances leading up to and then tell us your story.
Connor Steinbrook 08:15
Yeah, so I jumped into real estate and jumped in head over heels. And it was not a good experience for me in the beginning, I actually got myself into some pretty big debt. I was $100,000 in debt at one point, and I was just still kind of battling to come out of this. And I remember I get a lead that came in from a Craigslist lead of all of all places, posting ads on Craigslist is one of our marketing channels. And I get a just a normal appointment to go out, check a property out. And then I get there and the guy is not even there. And it was like an old 19 Forget what isn't, is an older house, it was looked like a single family house. But it's actually kind of a built in a duplex type of way. Whereas a mirrored if you drew a wall down the middle is mirrored, but it's actually connected in the back. So it wasn't a duplex, but it was kind of like a duplex. And I just remember being like this is a weird property is in a really high price point area. And he was asking an amount for it. That didn't make sense. He was asking like a very low amount. And this was a much more expensive property. And what he was doing was he was looking at the tax record it somehow at one point was a duplex he was looking at like half the duplex so he looked at the tax assessed value so he thought it was worth half it'll make sense when we get to this point why he's doing that. But um, so I was like, this is such a This doesn't seem right this is seems like you don't you don't get people want to sell their house this this cheapest kind of what it felt like, and he never showed up and I'm sitting there waiting to go in. And eventually I just figured out he flaked on me. And so I was like, I'm out of here, you know, and I'm start driving home about 15 minutes on the highway back and he calls me and I'm like you said he's coming to the property and I'm like, Well, I'm already halfway home but the numbers look so good. So I decided to go back and he said the door is open and this is where it got kind of crazy. So I go into the house and it was like a horror movie in a way because he had taken saran wrap or whatever that kitchen foil is that shiny stuff, put it all over the walls all over the windows had come like blankets and comforters blocking off all the windows. And I was like, Oh no, what did I get myself into. And it was a rundown house and just like any other investment property you're walked into. And he gave me permission. So I walked in and walked into his house looking around, and I go into the back, and I'm coming to the front room. In the this is where it got really creepy because I sit in there and I'm in the middle of this house is completely dark. It's like noon outside is bright and sunny, but inside, it's blacked out. And so I remember getting a text message, and I looked down at my phone, and I'm responding to it. And all of a sudden, I braced myself. Like I was getting attacked. I thought there was like a homeless person in the house that was running up on me to attack me in a brace myself, and I'm not a small guy. I'm six foot two and 10 pounds, you know, and I've worked out and so I'm like, who's come on, you know, like, I'm getting ready to throw down. Nobody was there. And I was like, This is the weirdest thing. And I literally went outside and I was kind of creeped out. And I'd never had like any weird things like this happened in my life. And I had one of my partners call me that was a little bit older mentor. And I'm like, I think I just had like a weird run in with something paranormal or something. I have no idea. Really weird. It's like depression and talk about that people gonna think you're crazy. I was like, Okay, another one of my partners is a little bit older than me. And I've been in business for a long time. Same thing as like, Have you ever had anything like this happen? He's like, I probably shouldn't talk about that. It's going to probably gonna make it sound a little weird and probably shouldn't go down that direction. So as I never said anything about it. So about six weeks later, I met at one of my house flips and I get a phone call. And it's actually detective Montenegro. So if you guys watched that show, the first 48 which is like a murder detective show, the one in Dallas detective Montenegro, who called me and I didn't think it was him at the time, I thought I was getting pranked. And he's like, there's been a dead body found at one of the properties we need you to come basically down to the office. And I'm like, What is going on is who's what happened is this, my parents are what's going on. So essentially, I get down there and straight, good cop, bad cop. They put me in a little summit room, cold room and didn't come in there for a while. I didn't know it at the time. But I was now the primary suspect or one of the top suspects in a murder case. Because what had happened was the house that I had gotten under contract, the guy that I thought I was working with was not the real homeowner. He's actually a murderer. He murdered the homeowner. He stole the homeowners identity call me represented that he was the homeowner fraudulently went into the contracts. And he we went through the entire process. And we got the house closed out. And what had happened was I'd sold the house, I wholesale the transaction to another investor. And they smelled something coming from the artists as horrible as that is, and they thought it was like a sewer break. It was the homeowners that the guy had murdered buried him in his backyard. And now, as you can imagine, is a shitstorm started a customer. And it blew up all over Dallas news. You guys can go look it up. It's 725 Winnetka in Dallas, you can look it up and go check out that story. But news broke. It got crazy. And now I'm in the middle of a FBI investigation. So I keep talking or you want to
Andrew Stotz 12:57
know that's good. Either keep going. Let us know. Yeah. So um,
Connor Steinbrook 13:01
yeah. So it was kind of scary because all I remember was watching these TV shows with these people wrongfully imprisoned for like, 20 years, and then they get out later. And you know, and I'm sitting there like Pratt, you know, like, terrified, like really terrified, because I'm like, This is so weird. I'm a stripper. Like, I never do anything wrong with stripe, fly straight. And here I am, like as a murder suspect. And I just remember being getting called down there. They took the FBI took my detectives, they took my computer, my cell phone, they took all the photos off of it. And basically they were trying to figure out, you know, going to the title company, what was going on there because actually at the title company, it was kind of crazy. On closing day, the guy brought a briefcase in there. And it was already sketchy because he had shaved his head. And I know he personally shaved his head because he turned around, he had like quarter sized spots that he'd missed on the back of his head when it because I knew he shaved his own head, he didn't even go to like the you know, like normal haircutting place, which makes sense now knowing what happened and he'd grown a beard out. And he brought his dogs in, it was like he was about to skip town. And then like after the closing and he brings a briefcase out when right at the end. He's like, he literally thought this that he's gonna get cash because like we run, we buy houses, we pay cash as right, he thought he was gonna get a briefcase full of cash in the title company, she was saying, Well, you can get a bank wire direct to the bank account, or you can get a cashier's check. And he flipped is at that moment. And he started pushing chairs around screaming at me like almost coming across the table saying your fraud you pay so you pay cash for houses, and we're like, we don't know what's going on at this point. So if you kind of go back and store with us, and he's thinking he's getting screwed, and we're like, you're gonna get a check or wire like, it's like, what's the big deal because what had happened at that moment, he realized he had beat the house sale process, but he couldn't get the money out of the bank account because it was gonna go to this guy's bank account. So whatever happened that it didn't close it at that time, and then the next day he sent in like another ID and then there's a couple processes and somehow the title company passed it through. I don't really know what happened. And it went through. But um, yeah, so So we still don't know what's going on at this point, but they are just reversed on the title company. He must owe the mafia money or something because I've never seen something so crazy. Now it makes sense looking back what happened because at that moment, he realized he thought he got through this entire process murdered, someone was gonna get scot free. And now he has to get the money out of the bank and what he actually did. He took out $500 a time or something a few $100 at time from every ATM. And he was they actually had him on cameras and like all these different states taking money out. And there's a big Casino. So crazy. There's a casino here at the Board of Oklahoma, Texas called WinStar. Casino or maybe it's Choctaw. I forget which one and from what I understand the detectives told me later because I had to meet with them back and forth. At one point they realized it wasn't me and now I was trying to help you know, kind of get this guy because he kind of skipped down he had gone to the casino with like a Santa Claus trash bag of $40,000 I think they told me maybe a little I forget exactly what it was is a decent amount of 20s Think about how much money you know is if you're taking 20s out and he was trying to launder the money to get hundreds so he brought in this huge trash bag of and he was so whacked out of his mind. He didn't even need to do this at that time. He could have given his own ID but he actually gave the ID of the guy he murdered to them that's how crazy this guy was at the time. And they flagged it because the guy that he murdered was like way taller way older 20 years older. And from what I was told they have him on camera he ran out of the casino left like $40,000 or something sitting on the cashiers table and just split and then they were chasing him down for like nine months or something like that. And finally they ran down I think in California and he committed another crime and then it was like a fight to see if we get him extradited back but it was kind of crazy story and then I think they ended up changing Texas title law from what I understand over it because there was an issue with the title company, passing the transaction through and then the notary book magically disappeared and it just got crazy start to finish but um,
Andrew Stotz 17:05
is the guy jail or anything about that?
Connor Steinbrook 17:09
Yeah, yeah, you guys can look it up. Isn't it is that I think it was Chris Kolbert. If you guys type in 725, Winnetka, wi n n e t ke Dallas, I think it was in 2015. And you can find a story. Just type my name and Chris Kolbert, 725 Winnetka and you'll find it on the internet and Casio are talking about, but amazing, crazy day that was not expected to turn out that direction. And but um, yeah, yeah.
Andrew Stotz 17:36
My first reaction is, you know, living outside of America where we don't have First Amendment and other protections. My first question that I had, in my mind when you sat down with the investigators was, did you call your lawyer and say, I'm not going to talk until I've, you know, got my lawyer in here? Because I wonder, I always wonder, like, people just spill the beans. You know, like, when they sit down, we want to help, you know, and I've seen some great presentations that talk about, you know, there's nothing, there's nothing that you can say to them, that's going to help you in a case, particularly when you're innocent. But I'm just curious if you have any thoughts on that?
Connor Steinbrook 18:17
Yeah, so unfortunately, no, I was pretty young and stupid. And a, in my mind, at the time, I knew I had done nothing wrong. So I was like, Okay, we'll try that. So like the first, the first sit down. I think they kind of already knew that, like our private like, I was possibly suspects. So like the title company, myself, and a few others were like the last points of contact, but they had at one point, few hours into the meeting, pulled out a number of photos. In one of them was him. And they said Did you record like so I think they kind of knew as I was going through, but um, no, I should have looked at you in the future. I definitely will. I'm just gonna say hey, look, you know, I just like, I feel like at the time, I felt like if I didn't talk, it made me look like I was hiding something shady, which is probably like, why you still shouldn't talk? But um, yeah, I answered their questions. And I just didn't think I had anything to worry about. But then once I left, that's when like, the sheer anxiety and the panic. And I was just like, I just kept thinking about these people that were falsely imprisoned and how they, somebody has to go down for it. And if they can't pin this other guy, or whoever did it, I'm number one suspect. And it was like, yeah, it was really scary. Because like, a lot of people have fear. That was fear. Fear, like what happens if I wrongly get in prison for the rest of my life and for a murder like that? I did not do anything. So I got kind of, it was kind of scary. But so how
Andrew Stotz 19:40
would you summarize the lessons, lessons that you learned from this whole experience?
Connor Steinbrook 19:46
Always be aware that no matter where you go, you don't know who you're where you're going. And be safe out there because I've been in to some of the worst neighborhoods in North America. Like hardcore like, people get shot gang. Activity drug activity everywhere. This was not in one of those neighborhoods, this was, at the time, a very nice area of our metroplex, like one of the highest price per square foot. So it's actually like one of the most and it wasn't expected to happen in that neighborhood neighborhood in that house. So it can happen anywhere. And just be aware, as you're going into properties to meet strangers, guys, like I know that you're trying to change, change your life, make some money provide for your family. But this is not just happened once, not this way. But I've also had other crazy situations where you know, risks came up with my physical safety and danger and things like that. So just think about it. And don't get mad if I say, you know, some of y'all may think that packing. And if you can do that legally, in your state, it is something if you're going to, to these properties by yourself, you have to understand that if this guy thought he was getting cash, some of these people think they're getting cash. And I've had this situation happen before, where people kind of set me up, they thought I was coming to the house with like stacks of cash to buy the house. And if they think that you're showing up to a house with strangers that think you're bringing cash, and then they find out you don't have cash, they're gonna be pretty mad. So just be safe out there. And then also that now, just probably not to talk to the detectives without getting an attorney first, that'd be something to learn there. But yeah, and just just probably just to be aware out there and be safe. And yeah, that's probably the most, because that kind of shocked me after that, where it's like, okay, now I need to be a little bit safer, because I used to just walk into random properties. And, you know, there's times where I go upstairs and trap people upstairs, where there's one stairway down. And I've gone into rooms where I knew people were sitting in the closet, and I could see heroin needles, and you know, all sorts of stuff. So like, you just gotta be careful what with what you guys are doing. It's not like HGTV. It's a real world where people live, and you're out there in their environment.
Andrew Stotz 21:53
So the one thing I would say is that, you know, it, things happen when they're least expected. You know, like you said, in a neighborhood that you thought, Oh, this isn't gonna happen here. It's like when you're least prepared, and least, you know, expecting it. And so also, I would highlight that, it comes in a lot of different forms, you know, we're talking to, in this case about physical, you know, risk and stuff. But it also comes into risk related to somebody reaching out with basically with a scam and trying to figure out, you know, that when you're vulnerable, and you're trying to turn yourself around, and you're trying to make more money, I had a former student of mine, who called me to say that they've got this opportunity, and it's a really great opportunity. And someone's called him and given it to them. And you know, what do I think about it, and you know, and I was able to talk to them and say, you know, this is a scam. And basically, it's an unlicensed and unregistered securities being sold into Thailand. And that has to be registered, you'd have to be registered by the Securities and Exchange Commission and all that they didn't know any of that. And so I think the awareness, being aware, and asking people for help, and advice and ideas helps you to get through this. So let me just ask another question is based upon what you learned from this story, and what you continue to learn? Is it something that you can think about, like one action that you could have done or that would have helped to prevent or that listeners can do, if they faced this type of situation to help them, you know, suffer the same fate?
Connor Steinbrook 23:28
Well, hope somebody doesn't have to kind of run into that situation. Probably just, you know, if you have the ability to do so and have another person go with you to the property, that'd be especially if you're a woman, that's one thing. It's dangerous out there. Make sure you kind of have the awareness while you're on the phone call, ask the right questions. While you're on the phone call. You kind of you know, ask like if I started asking some questions in that situation ahead of time. And you know, that like so who on the property before it was just parents and like, I would have sniffed out because he would have had to answer so get more data from just ask around and say like, also, just one of the things is like, a lot of you guys think unilaterally in your own mindset. So this is what why I can get caught by this stuff and why you can because if you don't want to commit crimes, and you're not going to murder people, and you're not going to go do all these bad things you can't think like they think and so this is like you're just saying this happens randomly whenever there's just like a Tuesday or Monday, whatever day it was, it just be like if tomorrow this is the day, when crazy things happen in life. It just happens lifetime and you're never expecting and it's just a normal day. And it's kind of surreal, like when I was going through is like is this really happening is it didn't actually seem that intense, but it was massively intense at the same time. But just understand that just because you wouldn't do something or you wouldn't think that this could happen doesn't mean that like people think the way you do and that they're not setting you up and like one of the things that you know, talk about like issues and things that you can run into there's a lot of people they're doing mortgage fraud and like mortgage you stealing money with private lenders and things like that. And you just really want to make sure that if you're gonna wire money to a title company or wire it directly to the title company, and like you're making sure that everything is on the up and up, because there's a lot of scam artists out there. And as the internet gets more, the internet created a lot of opportunities for people to scam people. So just before you do anything, double, triple, quadruple check in, you're going to probably avoid a lot of mistakes that you could have, if you didn't kind of take the time to do more due diligence and be a little bit smarter on the front side. But I think a lot of people jump in, they're not expecting that there's that many bad people out there in the business. Not trying to freak you guys out. But in every world, take 100 people you're gonna saints and then devils and everything in between. And so just know that the law of averages if you're active in the business, you will eventually come across some craziness at some point.
Andrew Stotz 25:49
So what's a resource you'd recommend for our listeners?
Connor Steinbrook 25:54
Yeah, I mean, the book that changed my life, probably heard about it's called Thinking Grow Rich, not to be cliche whatsoever. But when I hit rock bottom, I was lost in life. And I came across Napoleon Hill, not thinking Grow Rich first, but it came across as black and white recordings of his 17 principles of success. And I just remember a hit really hard with me because I, he wasn't like he was trying to sell me something. There's no home study course there's no pitch. He was generations beyond and he was already passed away. And it just what he was talking about resonated with me that it was generational. That if it worked in his day, you know, at the turn of century, it's working now. So it seemed to be honest, generational knowledge. And that's when I went through his principles of success recordings. And that led me to thinking Grow Rich, his other books like Outwitting the Devil, and then I went down heavy personal education, self development, and I've read a lot of the note ones like As a Man Thinketh by James Allen, richest man in Babylon. And then I went into a big personal education wave of my life for about five years where I went down the rabbit hole with all the OGS, the good ones, the the Jim rounds, Bob Proctor's executors, les Brown's John Maxwell's, and really went down that path. And that's what changed my life. And by the way, is that when I dove into personal education, and in the process of becoming more than I was at the moment in all areas of my life, that really kind of an eye can see with all the books behind you this big part of your life as well. But oh, yeah, wasn't my college education. It was my personal education that changed my life. So that's a consideration, guys, if you want once your freedom, educate yourself, educate yourself with entrepreneurs.
Andrew Stotz 27:25
Great advice. And we'll put the links in the show notes to some of those books that you've recommended, because they are amazing. Last question, what's your number one goal for the next 12 months?
Connor Steinbrook 27:39
Next 12 months. So my number one goal in general right now is to get our exp organization at 10,000 agents. So if you're globally, you want to partner with us, we're only almost 3000. So we got a lot of room for you guys to come in with us. But um, my 12 month goal is to get that to 4000 agents. So we'll get that to 4000. I'm pretty sure. And then I'm looking to online investment side. So that would be on the agent side. So I do agent side and investment side. I'm looking to there's a new lake being built here in North Dallas, just an hour and a half north east of the DFW metroplex, I'm going to be developing some properties out there and storage unit properties, Boat Storage and things like that is where I want to put some my long term money. So those are some of the things that focusing on and then I'd like to get my new YouTube channel, the one that's Connor Steinberg, up to 10,000 10,000 subscribers this year would be good. And I'm looking to attract my sponsor and bring about 25 agents personally over to exp this year to get a chance to work with me directly. So if you guys are looking for a sponsor looking to kind of use me, just hit me up, we'll have conversation I'll show you what we do behind the scenes, all the courses, training systems. We give out all our investment coaching, our social media trainings, and all our mindset, personal education and the things that we do behind the scenes. I'll go over with you on that call.
Andrew Stotz 28:58
bounds. Amazing. So listeners there you have it another story of laws to keep you winning. Remember, I'm on a mission to help 1 million people reduce risk in their lives and stay out of murder cases. If you've not yet joined the mission, just go to my worst investment ever.com and join my free weekly become a better investor newsletter to reduce risk in your life. As we conclude, Connor, I want to thank you again for joining our mission. And on behalf of a Stotz Academy, I hereby award you alumni status for turning your worst investment ever into your best teaching moment. Do you have any parting words for the audience?
Connor Steinbrook 29:35
Yeah, just believe in yourself. Never stop and it will all work out for you. And it's only when you stop believing yourself and stop trying for your goals that doesn't. So just keep going. You can do this and everybody has the right to be successful if you deserve it, but you guys deserve it. So you can go and work hard over a sustained period of time and never give up and you will get there.
Andrew Stotz 29:51
Beautiful and I love the initial part where we talked about you talked about time, money and emotion and getting through that valley of death. Let's use Conner as an inspiration for all of us when we face that challenge, and we're not sure if we can go on, but we really should push through it. Let's use the inspiration that we've learned here and that's a wrap on another great story to help us create, grow and protect our well fellow risk takers. Let's celebrate that today. We added one more person to our mission to help 1 million people reduce risk in their lives. This is your words podcast hos Andrew Stotz saying, I'll see you on the upside.
Connect with Connor Steinbrook
Andrew’s books
- How to Start Building Your Wealth Investing in the Stock Market
- My Worst Investment Ever
- 9 Valuation Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
- Transform Your Business with Dr.Deming’s 14 Points
Andrew’s online programs
- Valuation Master Class
- The Become a Better Investor Community
- How to Start Building Your Wealth Investing in the Stock Market
- Finance Made Ridiculously Simple
- FVMR Investing: Quantamental Investing Across the World
- Become a Great Presenter and Increase Your Influence
- Transform Your Business with Dr. Deming’s 14 Points
- Achieve Your Goals