Ep218: Daniel Gomez – Forgiveness Is Your Key to Success in Life and Business

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Guest profile

Daniel Gomez is an Award-Winning Business Strategist, Corporate Trainer, and Confidence Architect and is the President/Founder of Daniel Gomez Enterprises. Daniel speaks and coaches at events all over the world!

His passion is to elevate businesses and entrepreneurs to achieve their true potential through their training and coaching programs.

Daniel has empowered his clients to build epic success in their personal and professional lives. He is the international best-selling author of “You Were Born to Fly,” a book written to inspire and give people the high-performance habits and confidence needed to be the leaders of their destiny.


 “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself.”

Daniel Gomez


Worst investment ever

When anger impedes your success in life

Daniel had been living with a lot of anger. This anger saw him sabotage himself and his business. He was full of hate and would barely bring himself to trust anyone, including his clients. This affected his personal and business growth.

Daniel was hot-tempered and would quickly go from zero to 100. This strained his relationships and caused him so much anxiety. His biggest problem was that he couldn’t understand where all this anger was stemming from.

Getting to the root of the problem

One day Daniel had had it. The anger was consuming him, and he wanted things to change. Daniel turned to God and prayed without ceasing. He looked into his heart, thinking hard on the cause of this anger that had plagued him all his life.

Daniel finally realized that he still harbored a lot of anger towards his dad. Life growing up wasn’t the best. Daniel’s parents moved a lot, and in the process, they had numerous disagreements and would separate a couple of times.

One day, Daniel watched as his dad left and asked if he could go with him. His dad promised that he’d be back the next day, but he never did. From this day, Daniel never trusted his dad again, and he carried this anger to his adulthood.

Learning forgiveness

Once Daniel found the root cause of his anger, he realized that he had to forgive his dad to have any success in business and life in general.

Lessons learned

Forgiveness frees you

When you don’t forgive somebody, the only person you’re hurting is yourself. The anger eats you up, and you end up adding more damage to your life and to whatever you’re doing.

Be ready to go through the motions to find forgiveness

Unfortunately, you usually have to go through trauma and pain before you see that the emotion is there. So feel the anger, release it, find the root cause, and then let go.

Who do I need to forgive?

Forgiveness is the key to success in life, and in life, there will always be someone that you need to forgive. So always ask yourself, “Who do I need to forgive?”. This will help you release any feelings of anger as you go on with your life.

Andrew’s takeaways

Look into the cause of your anger

People rarely look at the cause of their anger. Instead, they focus on the effects of anger. To heal, you need to look at the cause first.

Anger is not a feeling

Anytime you have anger, look beneath it. Anger is a defense that is defending you against a painful feeling. It could be a feeling of abandonment, a feeling of lack of trust, a feeling of fear, a feeling of uncertainty. For example, right now with COVID-19, most people are angry due to the anxiety and uncertainty the virus is causing.

Resentment rots the container it’s in

Resentment is replaying the negative emotions that you’re feeling over and over. In doing so, you continue causing yourself harm sometimes even healthwise.

To deal with your negative emotions write them down

Sit down and write down all the things that you feel bad about. Everything that you feel ashamed about. This will be your private list and it will help you to start to overcome those feelings.

Actionable advice

Talk to somebody about your anger or resentment. You release the emotion just talking to somebody, and it won’t take deep root in you. So call somebody, talk about it, and express your feelings. In the process, you’ll release that negative energy.

No. 1 goal for the next 12 months

Daniel’s number one goal in the next 12 months is to speak to an audience of 10,000 people and transform lives and let them know how awesome it is.

Parting words


“Stop putting so much pressure on yourself in wanting to run and take big leaps. It’s not how fast you get there. The smallest step every day towards a future you want is going to get you there.”

Daniel Gomez


Connect with Daniel Gomez

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About the show & host, Andrew Stotz

Welcome to My Worst Investment Ever podcast hosted by Your Worst Podcast Host, Andrew Stotz, where you will hear stories of loss to keep you winning. In our community, we know that to win in investing you must take the risk, but to win big, you’ve got to reduce it.

Your Worst Podcast Host, Andrew Stotz, Ph.D., CFA, is also the CEO of A. Stotz Investment Research and A. Stotz Academy, which helps people create, grow, measure, and protect their wealth.

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